Hwang and Saguato's Business Associations: A Modern Approach

Foundation Press
Primary Subject
Business Organizations
University Casebook Series
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Engaging New Cases: The book uses fresh, timely cases in agency and partnership to show how business law is relevant in a variety of practices, including family law, immigration law, labor law, and entertainment law. Many students take an introductory business law course for bar prep, without knowing that business law is important to many areas of practice. Early cases, such as an agency case about migrant workers and another one about fair housing, excite students about the course regardless of their intended practice area.

Modular Structure: The book has a modular structure that allows teachers to tailor the course to their own interest and their students’ needs. The casebook authors, for instance, follow two different syllabi and cover different modules in their courses.

Statutory Materials Included: The book includes statutory provisions and restatements, helping students to gain an understanding of how to read and understand statutes and secondary material.

Light Scaffolding: Light scaffolding allows teachers with a variety of different theoretical approaches to use the book. Whether a teacher wants to use an ESG focus, a law-and-econ focus, or something else entirely, it’s easy to use the book and supplement with additional materials.

Case-Based Hypotheticals & Problems: The book includes problems/hypotheticals drafted using as models actual cases, followed by a citation to the real case so that students can check their understanding on their own.

The Authors: Cathy & Paolo bring diverse experiences and backgrounds to the case material. They are both award-winning teachers who have taught the course at a variety of schools and look forward to keeping the material fresh, relevant, and fun.